By June 20, North Macedonia will have a new coalition government

The new government of North Macedonia will be formed by June 20 and will most likely consist of VMRO-DPMNE, the coalition of the Albanian opposition parties "Vredi" and the ZNAM Movement.

This was announced by MP and member of the Executive Committee of VMRO-DPMNE Antonio Miloshoski in his profile on the social platform X after yesterday's re-voting of the parliamentary elections in seven electoral sections.

The future prime minister is the leader of VMRO-DPMNE Hristijan Mickoski.

The three formations can form a majority of 78 deputies in the 120-seat parliament.

So far, VMRO-DPMNE has not started official negotiations with Maxim Dimitrievski's ZNAM to be part of the new governing majority. Dimitrievski is a former member of the Social Democratic Union /SDSM/ which ruled the country in the last several years. However, negotiations are underway with the united Albanian opposition Vredi, led by Arben Taravari.

In the repeat parliamentary elections in North Macedonia on May 22 in 7 sections, "Vredi" (VLEN) won another mandate at the expense of the "European Front" coalition, headed by the Democratic Union for Integration /DUI/.

VMRO-DPMNE remains in the first position with 58 deputies, SDSM and "European Front" win 18 mandates, "Vredi" - 14, the Left and ZNAM - 6. /BGNES