Dacic before the OSCE: the EU should not teach Serbia

"I want them not to give us lessons from the sidelines, because if now all the member countries of the European Union have to go through what we all go through here to enter the Union, then three quarters of the countries will not pass the test," said the Serbian Minister of Foreign Affairs Ivica Dacic, reported the special envoy of BGNES in Skopje Dimitar Ruskov.

In his address today during the signing of a declaration on combating corruption within the framework of the 30th OSCE Ministerial Meeting in Skopje, he stated that there is no fight against corruption without the police, the courts and the prosecution.

"What annoys me is that we ourselves say we are champions, but in fact we are not. Champions are where there is money, where there is power and influence, where corruption is enforced by law. Taking a commission is legal in the West, but here it is corruption. I regret that they are not here at the signing of the declaration, because they should be the first to sign it," Dacic said.

According to the head of Serbian diplomacy, the fight against corruption and organized crime cannot be carried out without fully coordinated actions and international cooperation.

"Not all countries from our region are here. I think they are more affected by corruption than we are. We can only provide some political support here," the foreign minister added./BGNES