SDA: Dodik threatens Bosniaks with violence just like Karadzic

"Official Serbian policy has not abandoned its criminal aims and the implementation of the policies set out in the SANU Memorandum."

This was stated by the Party of Democratic Action (SDA) in response to the reactions of officials from Serbia and Republika Srpska (RS) to the UN resolution on the Srebrenica genocide, the Sarajevo Times reported.

The Memorandum of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts was drafted in 1986 and is the basis of Greater Serbian chauvinism.

"The most obvious confirmation of this is Milorad Dodik's fascist statements that 'Serbs cannot live with Muslims, Bosniaks' and that '25 percent of the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) is enough for Bosniaks,'" the SDA said.

The party said Dodik's statements were the most direct threat to Bosniaks since the threats of Serbian war criminal Radovan Karadzic.

The International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia found Karadzic guilty of genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity.

"The claim that 'Serbs cannot live with Bosniaks' and that Bosniaks should be limited to 25% of the territory can only be achieved by igniting a new spiral of evil and violence similar to that once initiated by Slobodan Milosevic, Radovan Karadzic, Ratko Mladic and others. The policy of ethnic division and ethnic cleansing that they pursued led to genocide and other serious war crimes. But it also led to the suffering of the Serbian people and life imprisonment for most Serbian military leaders. At the same time, Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Bosniaks survived, which should be a clear lesson and message to all," the SDA said.

They point out that today the political heirs of the convicted war criminals want to ban discussion of the genocide and crimes, presenting it as an "attack on the Serbian people".

"In fact, they are doing irreparable damage to the Serbian people themselves, not to anyone else, by placing the collective guilt for the deeds of individuals on their shoulders. At the same time, while talking about the 'threat to Serbs', they threaten and insult Bosniaks, and in Srebrenica, where genocide was committed, they want to Serbise this town by changing the names of the streets," the SDA stressed.

The party notes that the UN resolution on the genocide in Srebrenica is necessary precisely because of the Serbs and their policies.

"Moreover, stronger and concrete steps are needed from all those who will support the adoption of the resolution to help stop such politics in time," the party concluded. / BGNES