Serbian Deputy Prime Minister thanked Russia for voting against the Srebrenica resolution

Serbian Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Vulin asked Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Alexander Grushka to convey his thanks to Sergey Lavrov for voting against the resolution on Srebrenica, "Insider" reported.
"Serbia highly values ​​the Russian Federation's principled and consistent support for preserving the territorial integrity of Serbia and its national interests, as well as unconditional compliance with Resolution 1244, adopted on this day in 1999," Vulin said in Moscow.
The Serbian Deputy Prime Minister emphasized that Russia is a sincere friend of Serbia and the Serbian people.
BGNES recalls that on May 23, the UN General Assembly voted and supported a Resolution on the genocide in Srebrenica. In this way, July 11 was established as "International Day of Remembrance of the Genocide in Srebrenica".
In 2023, Alexander Vulin was put on the US "blacklist" for drug trafficking, illegal arms deals, corruption and channeling Russian interests in the Balkans. Within the same year, he was awarded the Order of the Russian Federation, personally by the director of the Russian Federal Security Service and a general in the Russian army, Alexander Bortnikov. | BGNES