Siljanovska signed the government reorganization law

The President of North Macedonia, Gordana Siljanovska-Davkova, signed the decree, with which the law on reorganization of the government enters into force, BGNES reported.

The law, which describes in detail the structure and activities of the state administration bodies, paves the way for significant changes in the state framework of the country.

The draft law was tabled in Parliament on June 7 and quickly examined by the Committee on Political System and the Law Committee, and then passed by Parliament.

The newly approved structure, proposed by VMRO-DPMNE leader and future prime minister Hristiyan Mitskoski, expands the government from 16 to 20 ministries. The main changes include:

- The Ministry of Economy will integrate the labour segment.

- The Ministry of Labor and Social Policy will be renamed the Ministry of Social Policy, Demography and Youth.

- The Ministry of Sports will replace the Agency for Youth and Sports.

- Ministry of Energy, Mining and Mineral Resources, which will take over some responsibilities from the Ministry of Economy.

- The tourism portfolio will be transferred to the newly created Ministry of Culture and Tourism.

- A new Ministry of Digitalization will replace the Ministry of Information Technologies and Administration.

- A Ministry of Administration will be created.| BGNES