The Democratic Union of Kosovo demands the resignation of Prime Minister Albin Kurti

The Democratic Union of Kosovo /DUK/ has demanded the resignation of Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti and the dissolution of parliament, reports "KOSSev".

The opposition party claims that Kurti is using his political opponents in Kosovo for "individual salvation from a big failure".

"The prime minister's resignation is needed by way of dissolving parliament and going to early elections," the DUK said.

The formation claims that the prime minister is endangering Kosovo's accession process to the Council of Europe, NATO and the European Union.

On 14 May, Albin Kurti held a meeting with the leader of the Democratic Party of Kosovo (DPK), Memli Krasniqi.

After the meeting, the Prime Minister said that a possible date for early parliamentary elections should be discussed by all political parties.

"We can discuss with the opposition the most suitable season for the next elections. Spring and autumn are the most suitable for elections, but if my mandate is fulfilled, the elections will be held in winter," Kurti said.

Krasniqi, for his part, has asked Kurti to go to early elections as soon as possible.

Albin Kurti is chairman of the ruling Self-Determination Party. He was elected prime minister of the country on March 22, 2021, and his government is in its last year in office. /BGNES