Ilhan Kuciuk proposes that the EU should have an envoy on issues of anti-Semitism and Islamophobia

"The collective effort requires us to articulate what anti-Semitism and Islamophobia mean, to have a working definition. In how much of the European legislation, in the criminal codes of the member countries, does the working concept of "Islamophobia" and "anti-Semitism" exist? In not much. There are efforts in some nation-states to create a system of coordinators, to coordinate policy against anti-Semitism and Islamophobia. Why shouldn't this be a European policy and have a special envoy from the EU on these issues?" said Ilhan Kyuchuk in the plenary hall during the debate related to the fight against the growth of anti-Semitism and Islamophobia, Kyuchuk's press office reported.

According to him, this debate is very important, but it is long overdue. This problem should not be seen only in the context of what happened four months ago, because it has deep roots. Kyucyuk emphasized that the mistake that is being made once again in the European institutions is that they consider the consequences, and not so much the causes of what happened.

The MEP did not fail to point out the fact that education is one of the fundamental factors in society and emphasized the role and example that the plenary hall gives to European citizens with the words: "How many times have we witnessed indirect insults based on ethnicity, religion, being passed without penalty?! If we are not ready to sanction this behavior of our colleagues, we will not be ready to meet the expectations of European civil society and fight this evil, because it is evil!"/BGNES