Erdogan and Scholz unite on "two-state solution" in Gaza

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan have backed the position that a two-state solution is the only way out of the bloodshed between Palestine and Israel.


"What happened has once again shown us that a two-state solution based on the 1967 borders is now inevitable. If we can establish a ceasefire together with Germany, we will have the opportunity to save the region, especially from this ring of fire. As a Muslim, I am disturbed by the attacks on hospitals and places of worship. There have been prisoners and hostages in Israel's hands for years. It would be unfair if we don't acknowledge it," Recep Erdogan said during his visit to Germany. "Everyone must take responsibility and ensure a just and lasting peace in the Middle East."

Scholz took the same position on this issue.

Cease fire

Erdogan rebuked Israel for its military campaign in the Gaza Strip, saying attacks on children and hospitals had no place in the Jewish holy book.

"Shooting on hospitals or killing children does not exist in the Torah, it should not be done. Our priority in Gaza is to ensure the ceasefire and the unimpeded flow of humanitarian aid," Erdogan said at a joint news conference with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz.

“Does Israel currently have nuclear weapons? There is, but if you ask them, they won't admit it because they use lies very well. If our hands and tongue remain tied, we cannot be held accountable to history," Erdogan added.

He emphasized that he sees all religions as equal and dismissed criticism that his attacks on Israel have anti-Semitic undertones.

"For us, there should be no discrimination between Jews, Christians and Muslims in the region. I have fought against anti-Semitism. I am a leader who leads this struggle," Erdogan said.

Israel's right to self-defense "must not be questioned," German Chancellor Olaf Scholz said.

"We must make Israel's self-defense possible under international law and not question it. For us, Israel's right to exist is irrefutable," he said.

Addressing Erdogan, Scholz said: "It is no secret that we have different, sometimes very different, points of view on the current conflict. However, we share the concern about the conflagration in the Middle East. Every life is worth the same. Germany is concerned about the suffering of the Palestinian civilian population'.

According to Olaf Scholz, the population of Gaza is "hostage to Hamas", which uses the people as a shield. "What is happening in the Middle East cannot simply be ignored," he said.

German-Turkish relations

The President stressed that the cooperation between Germany and Turkey in the defense industry should be carried out without hindrance. Erdoğan also commented on the acquisition of the Eurofighter fighter jets, which Defense Minister Yaşar Güler announced earlier today.

"Whether Germany gives them (the planes) or not, is Germany the only one in the world that produces military planes? We are working on this and we are supplying planes from many places," he said.

Regarding the process of accession to the European Union, the Turkish president insisted on visa liberalization.

"Turkey has been kept waiting at the door of the EU for 52 years. We will discuss with colleagues from Germany the facilitation of visa processes until visa liberalization is achieved," Erdogan said.

The Chancellor of Germany noted that especially in these difficult times, relations with Turkey must be preserved. Scholz added that Ankara and the EU share the same goal of limiting the number of migrations. Scholz also recalled German aid to Turkey after the deadly earthquakes in the Gaziantep region this year, as well as economic relations between the two countries.

The German leader expressed hope for a "positive decision" on Sweden's accession to NATO. Turkey still needs to give political consent to this.

Scholz also highlighted Turkey's mediating role in the war in Ukraine, highlighting Ankara's efforts to support the Ukrainian grain export corridor.

Germany also has the largest Turkish diaspora, and the majority of Turks in the country are Erdogan supporters, including former German soccer player Mesut Ozil. /BGNES