Kiev expects US aid within days or weeks

Ukraine's ambassador to the United States, Oksana Markarova, said the United States would be able to quickly move to supplying weapons after Congress passes a bill to help Ukraine. Today, the bill must be approved in the House of Representatives, a vote is pending in the Senate, and finally a signature by President Joe Biden, who has already said he will do so as soon as possible.


"It can be a very short time from the time of the signing (of the bill by President Biden - ed.) to the announcement and its broadcast," she said on AirA of the national United News telethon.


The ambassador expects the arms deliveries to Ukraine to start very quickly. She claims it's about days or weeks. "The Pentagon and our Ministry of Defense have not stopped working every day to search for weapons, and such packages are being prepared," Markarova added.


She also hopes that the US Congress, when voting on the aid bill for Ukraine, will reject the amendments that reduce this aid or make it impossible to provide it. Markarova recalled that four amendments to the bill affecting aid to Ukraine: "We hope that the amendments that reduce or exclude aid to Ukraine will be rejected," Markarova noted. The ambassador recalled that if the package successfully passes the House of Representatives, it will be brought to the Senate for consideration as changes to the Senate bill on US international assistance, which was passed in February. This should simplify the procedure for approving the package in the Senate, the ambassador added. /BGNES