The US Senate has taken a step to fund Ukraine

The US Senate voted Friday night to consider a $95.3 billion financial package for Ukraine, Israel and other national security priorities.
According to The Hill, 64 senators voted "for" and 19 "against". Fourteen Republican and two independent senators joined Democrats to formally begin debate on the legislation. The bill will now be closer to being passed in the upper house. The vote took place after negotiations that lasted throughout the day. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer removed the US border security provision from the bill after all but four Republican senators voted to block it.
The bill provides $60 billion for Ukraine, $14 billion for security assistance to Israel, $9 billion for humanitarian aid to civilians in the Gaza Strip, the West Bank and Ukraine, and $4.8 billion for support to allies in the Indo-Pacific region.
Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell urged his colleagues to move forward with the bill. He reminded senators that they have a "responsibility" to "secure the common defense and arm the next commander-in-chief (the president) with the tools to harness American power."
As previously reported by a number of media, the bill being prepared by the Senate will hardly break through because there is no support among the Republicans, who have a majority in the lower House of Representatives /BGNES