The Weimar Triangle confirmed their support for Ukraine

Foreign ministers from the Weimar Troika (Germany, France and Poland) discussed continued aid to Ukraine, the fight against Russian disinformation and current security challenges.
The meeting was held at the Saint-Cloud castle near Paris, Ukrinform reported.
"Over the past two years, Ukrainians have bravely stood up to Russian terror. We will be with them as long as the Ukrainian people need us. Strengthening our support depends on France, Germany and Poland working together in the coming months and even years, as well as from our ability to act together within the framework of the EU and NATO," said German Foreign Minister Annala Baerbock.
She added that a huge pro-Russian disinformation network had been uncovered in Germany, and announced the development of cooperation to combat Russian propaganda.
The head of French diplomacy, Stéphane Sejourn, said that Europe will not allow Russia to steal the free votes of 400 million citizens who will vote this summer.
"Today, together with my German and Polish colleagues, we are launching a preventive mechanism in the Weimar format, a response system to publicly condemn the foreign intervention, which is unacceptable, and mobilize all levers to detect, qualify, condemn and expose it," he stressed Sejourn.
Poland's foreign minister, Radoslaw Sikorski, said Putin is trying to change Europe's borders by force and aims to defeat Ukraine with lies and demagoguery and then split the Atlantic pact.
"We must honor our commitments to Ukraine, as well as fully implement the sanctions we have imposed on Russia ourselves and oppose Russia's campaign of disinformation and cyberattacks. We must increase our vigilance and cooperation to prevent these types of methods from flourishing Sikorsky said.
The Weimar Triangle was created in 1991 as a format of international cooperation between Poland, Germany and France./BGNES