Turkish authorities fear new coup attempt against Erdogan

Turkey's Interior Minister Ali Yerlikaya has expressed fears of a new coup attempt against President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Anatolian News Agency reports.

Three senior police officials, including the deputy police chief in the capital Ankara, were recently suspended as part of an investigation into a plot against the government.

According to Yerlikaya, their actions resemble "the 2016 plot of the Gülenist terrorist group (FETÖ), organized by Fethullah Gülen."

"We will destroy all plots and traps against the president and the government," the interior minister said.

Earlier, the chairman of Turkey's Nationalist Action Party (PAN), Devlet Bahçeli, an ally of the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP), said he feared preparations for another coup in the country.

The nationalist leader claims that some police and judiciary officials are planning to repeat what happened in 2016. The failed coup attempt killed more than 200 people and injured hundreds.

On 14 May, President Erdogan held a meeting with the head of the National Intelligence Organisation (MİT), Ibrahim Kallen, and Justice Minister Yılmaz Tunç. /BGNES