Suwayda 24: Syrians and other Arabs join the Russian army

Suwayda 24 has obtained a video from inside one of the Russian army's recruitment centers in Moscow showing a group of Syrians and Egyptians receiving the Russian army's military uniform before being sent to military sites near the border with Ukraine.

In a special investigation last week, Suwayda 24 revealed that dozens of Syrians from different provinces were transported on flights from Latakia to Moscow after signing recruitment contracts, by recruiters working with security firms.

Immediately after the Syrians arrived in Russia, they obtained Russian passports. They underwent training courses on how to use weapons in Russian army camps, accompanied by courses to teach them the basics of the Russian language.

One of those who joined the Russian army said that he saw people of different nationalities joining the Russian army, including from Arab countries, Afghanistan, India and other countries.

Meanwhile, another Syrian said he is currently on the Russian-Ukrainian border, within Russian army checkpoints.

Sources indicate that hundreds of Syrians are preparing to leave for Russia in the next period and there is a desire to register through recruiters.

Despite widespread reports of Russia enlisting Syrians to fight in the war in Ukraine, Suwayda documented dozens of Syrians traveling to Russia and obtaining Russian citizenship for the first time since the conflict there began. The granting of citizenship appears to be a proactive step by Russia to avoid the accusation that it is recruiting mercenaries into the ranks of its army if these fighters are killed or captured.

This evidence shows that Russia has opened the door to mercenary recruitment in the midst of the war against Ukraine, which has been going on for almost two years now and has cost both sides heavy material and human losses. / BGNES